Monday, December 13, 2010


Christmas has just past, and my family and I are back from our five day vacation in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Most of my dad's side of the family lives there, so we have christmas with them. This christmas was so great, I wish it wasn't over so soon. I got a bunch of things on my list, and Santa was very good to all of us this year. I got the lap top case I wanted, Mom got those bath beads, and Dad got that knife he's been thinking about getting. I think everyone is very happy!
I HOPE your christmas was as merry and great as mine. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving....and good luck on Black Friday!!!

Thanksgiving is here and black Friday is approaching! Ok, here's the game plan....khakis and red shirts (so we can get to the front of the line at Target) and DIVIDE AND CONQUER!!! If you find something someone else in your group wants, remember.....IT"S ALWAYS RETURNABLE!!! (that way, if they didn't get it, then yay!- they're happy! But if they didn't, you can keep it, give it away for xmas, or return it). Also, here's a trick....if you yell "IT"S OVER HERE!" or "I FOUND IT!" and then run, people will just follow you. Then, you can just sneak away (that should buy you some time to get to the door buster).
Have a good Thanksgiving!
And good luck!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Camp Buckner!

I just returned from camp buckner along with my friend, Madeleine. We had soooooo much fun! here are some of our favorite moments about it!

Monday, November 8, 2010

This is Very Heart Warming!

Oh my gosh, I was very close to crying when I saw this video! But, I am afraid to try and post the actual video after what happened with my Halloween movie, so here is the link!

Monday, November 1, 2010


I know Thanksgiving hasn't even come yet, I have set up my "Christmas Page" because I am just sooooo excited! Well, if you go to my "Christmas Page", you will see a box that says "Random Christmas Fact". That changes every time you visit that page, so make sure and check back often to find out another random Christmas fact! Also, to the right of this post, there is a Santa Clause. He tells how much time is left until Christmas, so if you are ever curious, just come and check!
Well, until next time, HAVE HOPE!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cluttered Garage

Ok, so we don't usually park our car in our garage due to the limited space. So when my 6 year old brother goes over to his friend's house and sees that they have their car in their garage, of course he asks "Why do you have your car in your house?" LOL :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010


So the other day on the bus, a 7th grader decided to pick on me and my friends. Not very smart considering my dad is his Orthodontist! I may have to have his mouth wired shut.......HAVE HOPE!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Comments Box!

It has come to my attention that some of my followers do not know how to leave a comment!!! Well, under every post in white, it will say how many comments I have on that post. To view or leave a comment, just click where it says that!
I HOPE this helped!
HaVe HOpE! (mind control)

Halloween is coming up!

I thought you all might enjoy this! if you would like to make one of your own and you have a face book, then type "picnik" into the search bar! the icon is all grassy.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Halloween is coming up soon, and I thought you might want to see this!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Red Pyramid

This new book by Rick Riordan just recently came out, and I started it today. So far it is good, but is too soon to tell. (I am only on chapter 2) From what I have read, it is a mystery and adventure story. But, as I said before, it is too soon to tell anything else.
There will be more to come, but until then, HAVE HOPE!

P.S- if you would like to know more about "The Red Pyramid" or any other book you are interested in, leave me a comment and I will do the research so you don't have to!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

New Book!

The new book, "The Lost Hero", by Rick Riordan has recently come out and is already VERY popular. I have not read it yet, but I have read "The lightning Thief" and the rest of the series which is also by him. I will let ya'll know how it is after I read it!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

FINALLY 12!!!!

Today I turned 12, and I couldn't be happier with what I got. It's something I have been wanting for a looooong time, and something I will use most every day. Did you guess it? YES! AN APPLE LAP TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
Yes, I really did just scream out loud! I am soooooooo happy! I am using it right now and I'm about to blow! Ooooops, my parents want me to go to bed.....more to come, but until then, HAVE HOPE!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

New school

Wow! School has definitely started! New school, new teachers, new everything!!! Middle school (or junior high as mt mom calls it) is VERY different from elementary! Having a locker combination is hard, but memorizing all of my 9 classes in order was a real tuffy. Once I got my normal locker combo down, they added another one-my gym locker. Now I am in the process of learning not to mix those two up! At 4:30 I am finally home from a looong day at school. But it's not over yet. Homework. Yep, good old homework. Luckily, I am good at using my time wisely at school, and usually finish all my homework then.
The good thing is that school doesn't start until 8:45!!! So, I can sleep in an hour later than all of my siblings! Well, for all you people out there who are absolutely hating school, there is hope. You just need to find it.

Monday, August 9, 2010


i love you cole, and i hope you had the most wonderful birthday ever!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Happy birthday dad!!!!!

It's my dads birthday.....but we burned his cake!!! Ooops! So, we are going out tonight.....and getting desert there! Well, i have to go have dinner with my daddy......until next time, HAVE HOPE

Friday, August 6, 2010


YAY!! My lukey pukey is back to snuggle me! My buba is back to comfort me! AND NOW I AM COMPLETE!!! Now, I'm gona get back to spending time with them :) Be back tomorrow to post a specail birthday!! Come back to see who it is!

Until that day comes, HAVE HOPE!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


One of my best friends named Madeleine had her sleep-over birthday party yesterday, and we spent the whole day at Schliterbahn! Although her actual birthday was on the 12th, i felt I had to put this message up for everyone to see.....and Madeleine, I hope you had an awesome time. You are like a sister to Happy Birthday. :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I have been babysitting all summer long, and I just wanted to show you all a 5 month old girl named Kylyn. She is sooooo cute, and has a great smile!

Stand-Up Paddle Boarding

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


My Grandparents came for the weekend, and when they went back to New Mexico, THEY TOOK THE BOYS WITH THEM!!! And they won't be back until August! So, until then, we are doing fun things while my dad is at work that we cannot do with the boys here. (It was just Cole and Luke that went with them) And, all of those fun things will be listed in my new page, "Fun Things To Do With Only 3 Girls".
So, visit that page often!
Until my next post, HAVE HOPE!

Stand-Up Paddle Boarding-A Must Do!

If you haven't tried stand-up paddle boarding, it is definitely something that you should add to your list of things to do before you die. Stand-up paddle boarding is a great work-out, and lots of fun!
How to do it:
To do this, you must have a certain board. This board is long and wide, and comes with a paddle. All you have to do to get started, is put it in the water and get in the middle of it on your knees. From here, just grab your paddle and start paddling! And, if you want to stand-up, then just make sure you're steady, and go ahead!
So, if you haven't done this, then you must must must!!! I will add a picture of my board when I get the chance!

Friday, July 2, 2010


The 4th of July is just around the corner and it's time to start wearing red white and blue! And don't forget those fireworks! Although we are not allowed to shoot fireworks where I live, because of the worry of possible fires, we still have a great time with friends and family! I HOPE your July 4th is as good as mine.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Don't forget to do something special for the one who works hard to make you happy! Just a picture that you drew of you and your old man holding hands will do, although trophies that say things like "World's Greatest Dad" would stay in his hart for ever. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!
ps- go to the "gift ideas" page for more ideas!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Today is the 1st day of Summer Break, and this is where the action begins! I will be creating a new page called "Summer fun ideas". The name says it all! This page will list some fun ideas to do over the summer, so keep in touch, because you never know when I will be updating it!
Until my next post, Have Hope!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A nice break

My family has just gotten back from a lovely vacation in Port Aransas. It was fun to just float in a ring floaty and let the ocean current carry you to the other end of the beach! It was also relaxing to fall asleep in the lounge chairs. But, I think that the thing I enjoyed most were the crab legs we had on the last day of our vacation. Mmmmmmmm! They were delicious! Anyway, I also enjoyed making the best sandcastle EVER w/ Ava......I will post a picture of it if I remember! Well, until my next post, Have Hope!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Oregon Lonelyness

My prents are in Oregon now, won't answer my calls, and probably walking on the beach thinking about what kind of crablegs they are going to have for dinner. But, as much as I wamt to be with them, I must let them have a good time, and injoy myself. Who knows? Maybe this will be a fun adventure, and my parents are going to miss out on something BIG. All I have to do, is have HOPE.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You Must Have Hope!!!

My parents are going to Oregon this weekend, and they are NOT taking me! I feel like I'm going to blow up! But, I must HAVE HOPE. I must HAVE HOPE.
Much better :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hope's Hopes:

-have a family of my own
-be an orthodontist like my dad
-spend LOTS of time w/ little kids (other than my little brother, Luke and my little sister, Ava)
and MUCH MUCH more....
but, to do any of these things, there is one thing that you must have, and that one thing is:


Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Little Taste of What Matters Most

It’s not the words but people who write them that matter,
It’s not the words but from whose mouth they are uttered,
It’s not the kisses but the heart from where the love springs,
It’s not the kisses but whether they make your lover sing,
It’s not the time but with whom it is spent whilst it flies,
It’s not the time but till when you can bide your anguished cries.

Just remember that. Just hope.

Friday, May 7, 2010

My HOPE filled day :)

My day was perfect. It started out with singing the school song (we do that every Friday) and then we went straight to social studies. During social studies, we worked on our Documentary Film (I am partners with one of my best friends, so it was more like social hour for us) and moved into our Westward Movement project-a power point. After that, we went to P.E and then more Westward Movement. comes my favorite part!!!.......we went to science and worked in our Lewis and Clark journals. (we made them out of duct tape- read the "art page" at the top of this screen) then lunch and recess. And here is the best part.......we have this thing where, at the end of the day (like an hour and a half before we are dismissed) we have this thing called "stallion stars" and it's where, if you haven't gotten 3 strikes (you get a strike when ever you do something like shout out in class, or not doing your homework.....stuff i NEVER do, so it's pretty easy for me) then you don't have to do work for the rest of the day.....instead, you get to do anything you want!!!! So, naturally, i did my homework which took up ALL of stallion stars but it was sooooooo worth it because i have a class after school called "triple threat" and it's a singing, acting, dancing class and it's REALLY fun. So, it all worked out in the end.......I've got to get to triple threat, so, in the meantime......HAVE HOPE

More Hope... it's everywhere

I am about to go to school, and I'm not very excited about it. But, if I don't go to school, I can NEVER be an Orthodontist, and on the weekends, a singing, acting, dancing, piano playing, awesome person. :) So, to perform this beautiful goal, I must go to school and work hard. And I bet some of you feel the same way. So, just have HOPE.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Here is where Hope begins....

Hope, we all do it. We all Hope to get what we want for our birthday, we Hope that today will be a great one, and we Hope for the world to be a better place. My parents named me Hope. Isn't that awesome? I am my parents Hope. Choosing a name for someone must be one of the hardest and most exciting things in the world. I have fish, and it was hard to choose a name for them, and honestly not all of them have names. I love my name and know that it is special. SO I thought that everyone should know that their is ALWAYS HOPE, and here it is, Have Hope.