Friday, May 7, 2010

My HOPE filled day :)

My day was perfect. It started out with singing the school song (we do that every Friday) and then we went straight to social studies. During social studies, we worked on our Documentary Film (I am partners with one of my best friends, so it was more like social hour for us) and moved into our Westward Movement project-a power point. After that, we went to P.E and then more Westward Movement. comes my favorite part!!!.......we went to science and worked in our Lewis and Clark journals. (we made them out of duct tape- read the "art page" at the top of this screen) then lunch and recess. And here is the best part.......we have this thing where, at the end of the day (like an hour and a half before we are dismissed) we have this thing called "stallion stars" and it's where, if you haven't gotten 3 strikes (you get a strike when ever you do something like shout out in class, or not doing your homework.....stuff i NEVER do, so it's pretty easy for me) then you don't have to do work for the rest of the day.....instead, you get to do anything you want!!!! So, naturally, i did my homework which took up ALL of stallion stars but it was sooooooo worth it because i have a class after school called "triple threat" and it's a singing, acting, dancing class and it's REALLY fun. So, it all worked out in the end.......I've got to get to triple threat, so, in the meantime......HAVE HOPE

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