Friday, May 14, 2010

Oregon Lonelyness

My prents are in Oregon now, won't answer my calls, and probably walking on the beach thinking about what kind of crablegs they are going to have for dinner. But, as much as I wamt to be with them, I must let them have a good time, and injoy myself. Who knows? Maybe this will be a fun adventure, and my parents are going to miss out on something BIG. All I have to do, is have HOPE.


  1. Well....I miss you for sure. But I am happy to get thus time with daddy. I really hope you don't mean it when u say something BIG may happen and we will miss it.

  2. It turned out to be a great weekend w/ pappy. I did not mean it in a bad way when I said, "Something BIG may happen and ya'll will miss it." I meant that like, "we might have a good time after all, and so will you and dad."
