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Masking tape journals:
1) masking tape (i don't actually think it was dut tape...nope it was masking tape)
2) enough paper to make a little book w/ holes on the sides to tie together
3) string
4) shoe polish (brown)
1) choose which piece of paper is going to be the cover and cover the entire front of it with masking tape (it's ok if you fold the tape over the edge)
2) repete step one, but with the back cover, not the front
3) use the shoe polish as a paint brush and "paint" over the tape (it will look like leather!)
4) use the string and tie the pages together so it's like a book (after letting it dry)
There! You are all done! Now you've got yourself a Lewis and Clark notebook!

Bath Salts:

1) 2 cups of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate)
2) 2 cups of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
3) 2 cups of sea salt (sodium chloride)

Each of these ingredients has certain qualities and uses. Epson salt, when added to a bath, is absorbed through the skin and is known to draw toxins from the body, sedate the nervous system, reduce swelling, and relax muscles. It's also a natural skin softener and exfoliator.

Baking soda helps neutralize the acids on your skin and wash away oils and perspiration, leaving your skin silky smooth. It'd also useful to relieve itching.

Sea salt helps cleanse pores, alleviate dry skin conditions, and soften the water. Although you can substitute table salt, sea salt is preferred because it retains more minerals. Sea salt is available as fine or coarse crystals; either will work, but remember that the larger the crystals, the longer it takes for the salts to dissolve in the bath.

You can mix and match the proportions of the salts you use; many people add epsom salts, sea salt, or baking soda to their bath water with no other added ingredients.

Some bath salts recommend adding only a few tablespoons to each bath, but the beneficial effects from this are usually minimal. At least half a cup of bath salts should be used, and preferably a whole cup each time.
I HOPE you make and enjoy these!!!