Thursday, January 13, 2011

Change at School

So, at school last week, we heard news of a new schedule. Well, this week, we learned that they had added another period to our schedule! This means that every period is shorter (including math- YAY!), and instead of five minutes of switching time (time to go the the bathroom or your locker in between periods), we get three minutes! How am I supposed to get from my locker on one side of the school to my classes on the other side of the school, and use the bathroom in THREE MINUTES! Ugh. I can't, that's how! Now I have to carry EVERYTHING with me to every class :(.
So, this extra period they gave us is called FLEX, and it's kind of like a study hall for tutoring or homework or whatever you want to work on. Personally, I don't think it will be of good use to me, because I can't do my math homework (I have math 8th and 9th periods and FLEX is after lunch- 7th period) Well, HOPEfully it will all clear out and I will put it to use.
Have HOPE!

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