Sunday, February 5, 2012

I Can't Wait.

We are in the process of building a home, and it is a very frustrating thing to manage and very hard to be patient. But, however, my brothers will be very glad to not have to share a room! And my sister will have her own bathroom. These are things we really need- there are six of us. The best part is that it's river front! We will have 24 hour access to fishing, SUP boarding, and so much more!! So, in the end, it's completely worth the wait. Patience will pay off. HAVE HOPE!

Monday, August 15, 2011

School is Back!

Wow! Two weeks ago I was thinking, oh my goodness, I can't believe there are only a few weeks left until school starts! I thought that summer was cut short this year. Last week I started warming up to the idea of getting back into a routine and seeing all my friends every day. Now I am counting down the days until school starts... I can't wait! This is going to be my only 7th grade year, and I have a feeling it's going to be great! HAVE HOPE!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ahhhh, Tehnology!

I was about to take a bath, but I was trying to figure out a way I could watch T.V while sitting in the bathtub. So I thought, well I could watch it on Netflix on my lap top, but then there's another problem: how will I control my computer without getting it wet? Then I thought, I bet there's an app for that! So I got out my phone, and there it was! I downloaded it for free and bam! I could control my lap top from across the room! You've got to love technology!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Sweet, Gross Mastiff

Ok, so my mom and I walk outside on the back porch and see my mastiff- who wouldn't hurt a fly- drop a dead, picked at, bloody dove at our feet!!! We both gag and yell "DAD!!!" He comes out and says "Oh, wow! This would cook well! It's nice and fresh!" YUCK!!!! This is my conclusion: My sweet mastiff who falls asleep next to the fireplace every night and leans against my legs, was just trying to save the bird by giving him mouth to mouth.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


We just got back from our spring break vacation at the Galveston beach! We had the best time just riding up and down in the elevator with our cousins, but once we got down to the beach and went boogie boarding, that was really when we started having fun. Although most of us got some pretty bad sun burns.... it was still a vacation worth remembering.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Change at School

So, at school last week, we heard news of a new schedule. Well, this week, we learned that they had added another period to our schedule! This means that every period is shorter (including math- YAY!), and instead of five minutes of switching time (time to go the the bathroom or your locker in between periods), we get three minutes! How am I supposed to get from my locker on one side of the school to my classes on the other side of the school, and use the bathroom in THREE MINUTES! Ugh. I can't, that's how! Now I have to carry EVERYTHING with me to every class :(.
So, this extra period they gave us is called FLEX, and it's kind of like a study hall for tutoring or homework or whatever you want to work on. Personally, I don't think it will be of good use to me, because I can't do my math homework (I have math 8th and 9th periods and FLEX is after lunch- 7th period) Well, HOPEfully it will all clear out and I will put it to use.
Have HOPE!

Monday, December 13, 2010


Christmas has just past, and my family and I are back from our five day vacation in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Most of my dad's side of the family lives there, so we have christmas with them. This christmas was so great, I wish it wasn't over so soon. I got a bunch of things on my list, and Santa was very good to all of us this year. I got the lap top case I wanted, Mom got those bath beads, and Dad got that knife he's been thinking about getting. I think everyone is very happy!
I HOPE your christmas was as merry and great as mine. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!!