Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ahhhh, Tehnology!

I was about to take a bath, but I was trying to figure out a way I could watch T.V while sitting in the bathtub. So I thought, well I could watch it on Netflix on my lap top, but then there's another problem: how will I control my computer without getting it wet? Then I thought, I bet there's an app for that! So I got out my phone, and there it was! I downloaded it for free and bam! I could control my lap top from across the room! You've got to love technology!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Sweet, Gross Mastiff

Ok, so my mom and I walk outside on the back porch and see my mastiff- who wouldn't hurt a fly- drop a dead, picked at, bloody dove at our feet!!! We both gag and yell "DAD!!!" He comes out and says "Oh, wow! This would cook well! It's nice and fresh!" YUCK!!!! This is my conclusion: My sweet mastiff who falls asleep next to the fireplace every night and leans against my legs, was just trying to save the bird by giving him mouth to mouth.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


We just got back from our spring break vacation at the Galveston beach! We had the best time just riding up and down in the elevator with our cousins, but once we got down to the beach and went boogie boarding, that was really when we started having fun. Although most of us got some pretty bad sun burns.... it was still a vacation worth remembering.